1.1 The club’s name shall be “Larkfield Athletic Club”.
1.2 The club will affiliate to and abide by the rules and regulations of England Athletics, British Triathlon, and any other relevant athletics and cycling bodies.
1.3 The Constitution shall be approved by the full membership of the club at its annual general meeting and any changes thereto shall be made by means of a two-thirds majority (of those members present and voting) vote at a general meeting.
1.4 A copy of the club’s constitution shall be provided to each new member.
2.1 The aims and objectives of the club will be:-
To bring together sports persons of all standards and levels of experience within the Larkfield area in a social and competitive context.
To promote and encourage participation in local races with particular emphasis on Road and cross-country running, Triathlons and Adventure races.
To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Road and cross country running, Triathlons and Adventure Racing.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club, to encourage participation in training sessions, and to provide support and advice in particular to newcomers to the sport.
To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
3.1 The club shall consist of individuals aged 18 and over who qualify as amateurs as defined in the rules of the governing bodies set out in paragraph 1.2 above. The individual must not be serving suspension or otherwise prevented from membership under the rules of that association.
3.2 In order to become a first claim member of Larkfield AC, all of the following must be completed: -
The valid application form must have been completed and signed.
The elected committee of the club, who reserve the right to refuse membership, must then approve the application by email or at a Committee meeting. If subsequent to accepting membership of any person, information is received that would have prevented membership then the individual’s membership may be terminated.
If an existing First Claim member of an athletics club (as defined in the UK Athletics rule book) participating in road and cross country running, the prospective member must first resign their First Claim status of their existing club and if required, have their change of status ratified by England Athletics.
The full membership subscription must be paid.
3.3 A person remains a First Claim member of Larkfield AC until each of the following has taken place, or membership has been terminated by disciplinary action under 3.7: -
A letter of resignation has been received by the club Secretary.
All outstanding subscriptions have been paid.
The resignation has been accepted by the committee and if required by England Athletics.
3.4 Membership fees will be set annually and notified to members at the Annual General Meeting. Membership will be for a period of 52 weeks and payable at the beginning of each such period.
3.5 As a paid –up member of the club, an individual is expected to participate in local races in the approved club colours of navy blue, white and gold and not compete for any other club* without the express consent of the elected committee. In this respect, the individual must abide by the rules of all governing bodies and shall not hold Larkfield Athletic Club
responsible for any injury to body or property sustained during running activities. * Second claim runners may compete in their First Claim colours.
3.6 Members are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the club’s activities, including training, racing, and social functions as well as assisting with the running of the club’s organised races.
3.7 Any member guilty of misconduct or infringing the laws of the regulating bodies is liable to be expelled from the club.
3.8 All concerns, allegations or reports of malpractice or abuse relating to the welfare of children or vulnerable adults will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the Club’s and UKA’s/EA’s safeguarding policy and procedures. The Welfare Officer shall be the lead Officer for all Members in the event of any safeguarding concerns.
3.9 Any complaints of misconduct (improper or unprofessional conduct) regarding the behaviour of Members or Officers shall be dealt with by the Club in accordance with its discipline and appeals process and must be presented in writing to the Secretary (and where the matter relates to the Secretary, the complaint must be submitted to the Welfare Officer). Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the Secretary will hear complaints within fourteen days of receiving a complaint. If the complaint is sufficiently evidenced, the Secretary will appoint 3 (three) Club Members (who have no direct or indirect interest/involvement in the matter) to sit on a disciplinary panel. Subject to the appeal procedure outlined below, a decision of the disciplinary panel shall be final and conclusive.
3.10 Any appeals must be received by the Secretary within 7 (seven) days of receiving the written decision and, if appropriate, the appeals process will be followed.
3.11 Any complaints of serious misconduct (including, without limitation, theft, doping violations, fraud, physical violence, safeguarding policy breaches, serious breach of applicable health and safety, gambling and/or ticketing regulations or any act or omission of the Member or Officer which in the opinion of EA, acting reasonably, brings or is likely to bring the sport of athletics into disrepute) regarding the behaviour of Members or Officers shall be reported and dealt with by EA in accordance with its Disciplinary Procedures.
3.12 If a dispute arises between any Members or Officers of the Club about the validity or propriety of anything done by any Member or Officer under these Rules and the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, the parties to the dispute must first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation.
4.1 The club shall hold a general meeting at least once a year and all members will be notified of the date, time and venue at least four weeks in advance. An attendance list will be circulated at the start of the meeting, and a quorum (Minimum number of members required to validate a vote) will consist of 15% of the current club membership.
4.2 Items for discussion will be notified to the secretary at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Minutes of the general meeting shall be circulated to all members within four weeks of the meeting taking place.
4.3 Changes in membership fees and the rationale for these will be notified at the general meeting. Other matters to be agreed at the general meeting include:-
Election of officers
Changes to constitution
The club’s accounts
Any other business.
4.4 A special general meeting can be called by the club secretary on the instruction of the committee or on written request by at least 12 members. The meeting will be held within 21 days of such a request being made, matters of procedure set out in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 apply also to a special general meeting.
4.5 Changes to the Constitution require a two-thirds majority (of those members present and voting) to be passed at a general meeting. Other matters require a simple majority.
5.1 The officers shall consist of at least three members (Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer – herein after called the committee) proposed and seconded at the annual general meeting who receive the greatest number of votes of those members present.
5.2 The committee is charged with discharging the day-to-day business of the club. The committee will be delegated by the club to handle all income and expenditure, and shall also have the powers to approve new membership and terminate membership. It has the power to set up sub-committees and to delegate duties as required.
5.3 The committee is required to meet (Formally) a minimum of four times a year at which a record of proceedings will be kept. A quorum is two officers. The main business will be to formally accept new members, to approve resignations and to record matters of income and expenditure since the last meeting. The minutes of committee meetings shall be made available to any member on request.
6.1 All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.
6.2 A statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting, to be approved by the membership.
7.1 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership. All affiliated bodies will be informed of this decision as soon as possible after it has been taken.
8.1 The constitution will only be changed through agreement by a two-thirds majority (of those members present and voting) at an AGM or EGM.
9.1 Larkfield Athletic Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.
SIGNED: …………………………………………DATE:22/03/2022
Name: Matt Heath
Club Chairperson
SIGNED: ………………………………………….DATE: 22/03/2022
Name: Janette Burnard
Club Secretary
SIGNED: ………………………………………….DATE: 22/03/2022
Name: Carrie Hitchman
Club Treasurer
Agreed at the AGM held on 22 March 2022